041 581 0808 info@pechi.co.za



Our dedicated Yoga studio is a calm, friendly space set in the garden of our Walmer wellness center. It is the perfect setting to practice this discipline that combines breathing, balance and movement to bring health and relaxation to the student.

How Yoga Can Help


Increasing oxygen flow with movement will combat fatigue and boost energy in body and mind.

Increase Stamina

Not only physical but physiological and mental stamina can be improved through yoga practice.

Balance Body & Mind

Practicing Yoga not only helps with the balance of body but also improves movement, coordination and focus.


Yoga seeks to acheive a higher level of awareness in the connection and union of mind, breathing and body.

How To Find Us

Your Wellness Starts Here

Contact Us to Find Out More About Yoga or Schedule a Class

3 + 15 =

Chiroprator – Sports Massage – Biokinetics – Yoga

Port EliZABETH CHIROPRACTIC & healthcare Incorporated

041 581 0808


158 Villiers Road, Walmer, Port Elizabeth